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How To Control Your Anger – Seneca Stoicism


(Full video below)


  1. Recognise that anger is destructive. There is no good degree of anger but it doesn’t mean you have to passive in the face of injustice.
    a) It makes you a slave.
    b) It cannot be slowed down.
    c) It is contagious.
    Aim to attain tranquility, a state of peace and quiet.
  2. Recognise your triggers and learn to control them. Stop anticipating things that trigger you.
  3. JUST WAIT! (One of the biggest one in all the anger information I’ve gone through so far.) Remove yourself from the situation. Write an angry email and save it for a few days/weeks. (Paras note: I wait 6 months before taking action on the big things and by then the angry email turn into a previsioned weapon/solution). Things to try – reading, meditating, exercise. According to the American Psychologic Association, deep breathing is the fastest tool to reduce the intensity.
  4. Use art and music to calm the mind. Expressive theory can also include hitting a pillow.
  5. See yourself as an offender. Put yourself in the other persons shoes and you are the problem, do you have the ability to see things different? When have you acted just like them?
  6. Heal rather than punish. Vengeance takes way more time an energy while mild resentment is easier to deal with. We always feel anger longer than we feel hurt. Healing is more efficient and makes you stronger than punishing.
  7. Choose your friends wisely. The people you associate with will influence your habits. Find people who bring more joy instead of misery. Don’t try to seek out information or gossip.
  8. Don’t seek reasons to be angry. (A big one in our time of people triggered by people they don’t even know, through their screens). Practice negative visualisation. What is the worst that can happen, mentally keep your calm prepared if it were to happen. Seek reasons to be calm.
  9. Use self-deprecating humour. Ignore the bad behaviour or turn it into an insult on yourself, that way you take the power from stopping it taking root in your psyche. By laughing it off you’re telling them and yourself that you don’t take it seriously.
  10. Practice self-reflection. Use an anger journal. Paras note: I have an excel sheet I use and happy to share if needed. An example to journal.
    a) What happened/What was the trigger.
    b) What did you think/How did you react.
    c) On a scale, how intense was your reaction.
    d) What could you do to mitigate it next time or what solutions can you put in place for repeating instances?

“All our senses should be trained to acquire strength. They are by nature capable of endurance, provided that the mind, which should be called daily to account for itself, does not persist in undermining them” Seneca

#ad How to Manage Your Anger with a Tracker – Understand Your Triggers, Patterns and Solutions

Miracle Doctor – Dr. Mindy Pelz: Revive Sex Life, Melt Belly Fat & Heal Injuries (Podcast Summary)


(Full video below summary)

Just by compressing your eating window, you will reduce your need for medications and your health issues will drop.

2 Metabolisims:
Burning energy when you eat – Not discussed a lot.
Burning energy when you don’t eat – Releases ketones and that fixes your body. It’s also a fuel source for your body and brain that it needs. It gets 8 hours to get into this state. The longer you go in this fasted state the more you see growth hormone, testosterone and the good chemicals increase in your body. Inflammation also starts to go down. Your body starts cleaning up the bad cells from the body which is called Autophagy (more info here).


  • Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After research, it was just a campaign from Cornflakes.
  • 6-7 meals a day to speed up your metabolism. There is no evidence for this.
  • Kids are raised to eat according to times instead of listening to the body. Your body knows how to switch to survival mode to go hunt for it. We have to have the feast/famine cycle.

Fasting Facts

  • Exercising in a fasted state will eliminate glucose. Your muscles are releasing stored sugar which is great for losing weight.
  • mTOR – Triggers muscle growth. 30 grams of protein to get the muscles to grow stronger. So after working out on a fasted state the protein will help a lot.
  • Sugar cravings stop after 3-4 days of abstinence.
  • Black coffee most likely it’s ok to have but it shouldn’t spike your blood sugar. Best to test your blood your sugar and it should be equal before and after.
  • When you’re fasting you even undo the damage from sugar consumption. So your body is getting rid of sugar during fasting it may appear that your muscle is getting smaller. Just replace it with high protein.
  • Sleep: Fasting brings down inflamation. You’ll wake up at 2 or 3 in the morning because of a cortisol spike.
  • To get started, first compress your eating window. Customise it to your lifestyle. You can do one meal a day once a week or push yourself as much as you can once a week if possible. Black coffee with MCT oil can switch you over to the ketogenic state fast. A fasted snack aka a fat bomb can help keep you going which nothing but fat like avocado. Look up keto cups (MCT oil, cacao butter and pure chocolate).
  • Find your own path and customise it to your needs and push it from there.

6 Types of Fasting

  1. Intermittent Fast: 13-15 hours of fasting will trigger ketone release. In summer you can eat from 11 to 7 (8 hour window). Eating in the dark not recommended as the body will most likely store it as fat.
  2. Autophagy Fast: 17 hours no food for cells to clean themselves. Viruses can’t replicate in this state, nothing in the cell to take over. Great for preventing colds. Boosts sex because it helps the cells around the testes and ovaries. She talks about Countdown – more info here.
  3. Gut Reset Fast: 24 hours without food and your intestinal stem cells reboot themselves. They then go all over the body. Doing it once a week will help.
  4. Belly Burning Fat Fast: 36 hours without food followed by 12 hours of eating over a 30 day period. It unsticks fat especially from the belly.
  5. Dopamine Reset Fast: 48 hours without food. When you’re not happy you eat to be happy. This resets that because they didn’t have joy after a certain amount of eating.
  6. Immune Reset Fast: After 3 days of fasting, white blood cells reboot themselves and a scientist did an experiment with cancer patients to fast before chemotherapy. You also surge with stem cells going to all parts of the body to repair it.

Other Info:

  • What you put on your skin really matters. Even touching BPA plastics.
  • You all have a set point e.g. 1500 food in, 500 workout, 1000 remaining. So on the days you’re not working out you have 500 extra calories if you eat the same. (Paras note: Feeling blessed because I don’t feel hungry if I don’t workout). Your set point changes per day if you do this. This is why calorie restriction diet doesn’t work long term.
  • 80% of all auto-immune issues occur in women. Stress makes you insulin resistant, this affects your sex hormone. Women are not meant to handle the stress loads as well as men because of all these hormonal changes. Cortisol goes up, progesterone doesn’t appear, it just messes women up. A week before their period, they need to get on track and slow things down.
  • Men have a 24 hour cycle and every 15 minutes men get testosterone. If you don’t like what your husband says ask him in 15 minutes.
  • Menstrual cycle: Get to know the cycle. It’s usually 28 days.
    – Day 1 – 10 estrogen is building. Day one is the first day of bleeding. Let her do her thing. Day 3 she may get back into being more out going and wanting to connect with you.
    – Day 12 – 13 is when ovulation happens (or 10 and 15 when even libido is the highest). Estrogen is at it’s peak. If you want to resolve conflict with your woman, do it between day 2 to day 12 of the cycle. Never do it on Day 18-19.
    – Day 17 – 18 progesterone is coming in. Be extra nice to her and take amazing care of her.
  • Menopause: 45-55 Year old women are the highest cases of suicide. After 40 the sex hormone starts to go down, she may be different from day to day. Progesterone also goes down making them less resilient to stress. Love them more. Once the menstrual cycle disappears they get forgetful. 40 to 55 is when their brain recalibrates. (More into here). After a whole year without a period, the brain gets back on track and they can handle stress again, etc. They’re trying to understand themselves so be patient with them! Get the book – Menopause Reset where she explains how to do a proper reset because just taking hormones is not working.
  • 5 Lifestyle Changes for Menopause Reset
    – Fasting – She release another book after called Fast Like a Girl
    – Cycle Food – Front half of the cycle go keto, low carbs. Back half raise your glucose and opposite of keto.
    – Microbiome – Eat more leafy green vegetables, nuts, seeds, chocolate.
    – Toxic Love?
    – Stop Rushing. Schedule more downtime. No go go go all the time. More mindfulness, meditation, saying no. (How to say no)
  • Steam and sauna is great for detox because it simulates a fever.
  • You need to have a bowel movement everyday.
  • If your underarm is a puff instead of a pit then the toxins are getting stored or not moving. Deo clogs it up. The hair get rids of them. Loofah that area helps.
  • New drugs to lose weight but it’s putting your body at risk and you have to rely on them forever to stay that way.
  • Keep doing resistance training to keep muscle no matter how old you are. As soon as you lose muscle you become insulin resistant and you gain the wrong weight.
  • Cardio is not recommended. Long-term it’s not a good plan especially for women while for men it’s going to break down muscle and it won’t help you lose weight. Best to lift weights while fasted and then break the fast with protein.

Working Styles of Men and Women

  • Men: Monday to Friday work, Saturday Sunday off is great for men. Work in day light and rest more in winter. Meat, primal, paleo is good for men. Zinc is the most important supplement. Vitamin D for both and sardines is best or sunlight at the highpoint like noon.
  • Women: Work until Day 19-20 to take the week off. Do half the load if you can’t cut everything out. Less need for meat, more fruit, more squashes, more potatoes. Magnesium is the most important supplement. Vitamin D for both and sardines is best or sunlight at the highpoint like noon.
The Miracle Doctor: Get Your Sex Life Back, Melt Belly Fat & Heal Your Injury! Dr. Mindy Pelz | E256

Natural Oral Care – Whiter Teeth, Healthy Gums and Fresh Breath with Nadine Artemis


(Full video below the summary)

– Essential oils are multifaceted. It works on emotional, psycho-spiritual and physiological levels. It can work on lungs and even liver. To varying degrees they’re antifungal, antiviral, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory. Happy Gum Drops will take care of cavities.

– There is a dentinal lymph system and that is how cavities are formed. Not the acids of sugars. It’s more to do with hormones. So it comes from the digestive system, the blood comes to the tooth area. Like a tree the roots of the teeth draw up the nutrients. This in turn pushes the fluid onto the surface of the teeth. The teeth sweat. The sweat interacts with the saliva to heal and repair cavities, etc.
– Stress, talking with the phone next to your jaw, etc. will stagnate the lymph system and it reverses so it sucks in bacteria and viruses instead. Also take care of your blood sugar levels.
– This sweat is our internal toothbrush. What did we do before brushes. It also prevents biofilms and buildup. The mouth is alive and connected to the rest of the body. Gum, enamel etc. can heal with rebalancing the microbiome.
– Whitening the teeth: The surface veneer is the wrong way to go. If the pulp chamber in the teeth is healthy it will reflect out. Lacking nutrients in your body will show in your teeth. Whiteness comes from inside. Some discoloration is from pigment rich food like wine, spirulina, etc. You can salt blast your teeth to help that and that can be used with something mildly abrasive.
– Remember these toothpaste adds have ‘may be harmful if swallowed’. They tell you to use a small amount while the advert shows you a long line. Ditch everything and start with a simple baking soda and sea salt combo. Stop, seal and seed.
– Chemicals give you bleeding/leaky gums and that goes in your system. Alcohol mouthwashes result in 36,000 cases of cancer. It’s messing with the microbiome and endocrine system. Antibiotics can bust through the microfilm on the teeth anyway.
– Natural solutions: We’ve been using these for centuries before paste. Tea tree, frankincense, myrrh, neem, cardamom, cinnamon, clove. These stop the pathogens from communicating and growing. They can bust through the biofilms and still be ok with the natural bacteria.
– Bad breath/Halitosis: Just the rebalancing will eradicate bad breath. Real mint with anti-inflammatory/antibacterial qualities dealing with the gases and VOCs. It does more than the superficial mint.
– Tongue: You can even just use a spoon as scraping will clear the junk out. She has 8 Steps in her book – LINK.

Most links below go to Amazon advertised products of Nadine’s store – Living Libations

Step 1: The Salt Rinse Ozonated
Make a saltwater solution to keep in your bathroom (16oz of spring water to 1oz of salt in a mason jar). Add a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops. To use the saltwater rinse, pour yourself a shot glass of the mixture, swish, swish, swish, and spit.

Step 2: Scraping the Tongue
Scrape the tongue 2-3 times. Option: add a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops to the scraper.

Step 3: Brushing the Gums
Brush the gums, paying special attention to brushing gums towards the teeth and using special care over the gum line. Use a soft, dry brush and apply a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops, Ozonated Happy Gum Gel, or Neem Enamelizer Liquid Polish to the brush.

Step 4: Polishing the Teeth
Polish the teeth with Happy Gums Clay Toothpaste, Frankincense Fresh Toothpaste, Neem Enamelizer Toothpaste or applying the paste to a dry, round-headed, electric toothbrush. Or, use a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops and use with our Tooth Truth Powder Polish, or baking soda.

Step 5: Checking the Gum Lines
Clean the gum lines of any remaining plaque by using a rubber-tipped gum tool or sulca brush with a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, Happy Gum Drops or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel.

Step 6: Flossing
Floss! Even better, floss two times! Apply a drop of Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, Happy Gum Drops or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel along the floss (Frankincense Infused Silk Floss).

Step 7: Final Rinse
Use the saltwater mouthwash from Step One. Vigorously swish, and then spit.

Step 8: Extra Care
Use the Vita-pik or an oral irrigator to rinse the gum pockets with salt water and Mint & Myrrh, Yogi Tooth Serum, or Happy Gum Drops. Massage a drop of Tooth Serum or Ozonated Happy Gum Gel into gum line and any sensitive areas. We often fear the unknown, so get to know your mouth! Get a dental mirror with a light or an intra-oral camera and get yourself acquainted with those back molars. And, remember to get clean in between!

For more information read the book, Holistic Dental Care: The Complete Guide, or visit LivingLibations.com.

Amazon links to products mentioned

– Biofilm: In the mouth it’s a colony of bacteria that can’t be penetrated and you want to bust through them as even the teeth need to breathe. Glycerine is not good.
Flossing: If you floss regularly you will add 7 years to your life because you’re not swallowing the plaque. When you use the floss you could also slide it along one of the balancing mixtures before using so you’re sending the good stuff where it needs to go.
– Fillings: Mercury fillings are toxic. There is copper and nickels and even the silver ones may not be pure silver. The dentist has this whole hazmat procedure for it and you want to keep it in your mouth? It releasing mercury vapours into the body 24/7 and increasing by 1500% when chewing or drinking hot liquids. If you throw 2 mercury fillings in a 26 acre lake, the lake will be deemed unswimmable by the EPA but you want to put it just inches from your brain. (Paras note: Get the fillings out of here!!!). Many countries have also banned it. You can reverse cavities… if you get her book :). If you really want fillings look for the cleanest (porcelain has nickel in it). Ceramics and good, BPA free is still plastic, stem cell research is advancing so there is hope for the future.

– Back in the day, different cultures used different things like chewing on sticks. The guy mentions his wife being from Kenya and that they use sugarcane which is mineral rich. I’m from Kenya and they use other twigs too (In Gujarati we call it dattan/datun).
– Brushing: Always use a soft bristle. You don’t need to torture your gums. Clean your toothbrush in 3% hydrogen peroxide solution, dip it in overnight and rinse it off in the morning. Every family member need to keep their brushes apart. Your brush should look the same after 6 months. You don’t want to go side to side you want to go from the gum away. You want your gums to look like a turtleneck around your teeth. You can apply baking soda and some of her products to get the gums to come back around the teeth. She recommends using 2 toothbrushes – 1 is a ionic brush that uses light and to stimulate and massage. 2 – The next brush use a small round one and use it just to buff the teeth.
– Diet: A lot of it is connected to eating the right things and it can also help mouth breathing. You can use mouth tape. Use her dental serums from her book.
– Probiotics: She also suggests getting proboitic capsules which are for your stomach but you can open the capsule and swish them in your mouth or use the oil pulling technique with that and things like sauerkraut/kimchi.

Shokz OpenRun Bone Conduction Headphones – Demo and Instruction Manual

15-Minute Mango Barfi Recipe and Video


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  • 200g sugar.
  • 500ml mango pulp (tinned or fresh).
  • 150g butter.
  • 595g milk powder.
  • 1 tbsp almonds (slivered or chopped).
  • Orange food colouring.
  • 1/4 tsp intense mango flavour.


  • Melt the butter in a large, non-stick pan. Add the mango pulp and sugar. Stir and bring the mixture to a boil.
  • Once the sugar has dissolved, turn the heat down. Add the milk powder and stir well to combine until it becomes a thick paste.
  • Cook this mixture over a low heat, continuously stirring until you get to the consistency of mash potato (about 10 minutes – don’t go past 15 minutes)
  • Press the mixture into a traybake pan lined with baking parchment.
  • Decorate with almond slivers and allow to set at room temperature (about 2-3 hours). Refrigerate for 1 hour. Cut into squares and serve.

3 Layer White Chocolate Barfi Bars Recipe and Video


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Biscuit Base

  • 35 Digestive Biscuits
  • 1/3 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1/2 cup Melted Butter
  • 1/4 tsp Salt

Milk Powder Burfi

  • 1/2 cup Ghee
  • 3/4 cup Milk
  • 2.5 cups Milk Powder
  • 1/2 cup Nut Flour (refer notes)
  • 1 cup Powdered Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Cardamom Powder

White Chocolate Ganache

  • 300 gms White Chocolate
  • 150 gms Cream


Prepare the Cake Tin

  • Spray and line an 8×8 inch cake tin with parchment paper such that a portion of the paper is hanging around the sides. (This makes it easier to lift the dessert once set). Set aside.

Layer 1 – Biscuit

  • Pulse the biscuits in a food processor to form crumbs. You would need 2 cups of biscuit crumbs.
  • Transfer it to a mixing bowl along with the sugar and melted butter.
  • Combine until everything comes together and resembles wet sand. If you take a portion of it and press between your plams it should hold its shape well.
  • Transfer to the prepared cake pan and press and level it evenly.
  • Toast it in a pre-heated oven of 180°C for 10 mins. Once out of the oven, let it cool for 5 mins then place in the fridge until ready to use.

Layer 2 – Milk Powder Burfi

  • Melt some ghee in the pan on low heat. Once ghee is melted switch off the gas and add milk, milk powder and nut flour. Switch on the gas on med low and stir to combine (around 2-3 mins)
  • Once combined; add in the sugar and cardamom powder.
  • Keep stirring continuously until it thickens and starts leaving the pan around 10-13 mins.
  • A quick test to check whether the burfi is ready or not is to take a small of burfi mixture in a plate. Wait for few seconds (you do not want to burn yourself) and try to roll it and form a ball. If you are able to form the ball then the burfi is ready. 
  • Now transfer it on top of the biscuit layer . Smooth out the top with the back of the spatula. Let it sit on your counter-top for 1 to 2 hours to set completely.

Layer 3 – White Chocolate Ganache

  • Start by chopping your chocolates finely. Transfer it to a mixing bowl and add in the cream
  • Using a double boiler method stir together the cream and chocolate until the chocolate is completely melted and comes to form a pouring consistency.
  • Allow this to cool to touch on your counter top.
  • Once cooled, add it on top of the burfi layer and let it set completely in the fridge for 1 to 2 hours.
  • Garnish with some edible flowers or nuts or rose petals and edible silver foil and serve as needed.

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